Privacy Policy

LDSA GDPR Policy 2018

This is new legislation on how organisations including ourselves can store and use data. We never share your personal information with third party projects and the information we have on our mailing list will only be used for LDSA news and information.

Everyone who has registered with the LDSA have provided their name and email address when completing the membership registration form as part of the process of becoming a member and granted the LDSA permission to use your contact details for membership matters.

Your data is stored securely and password protected no one can access it without permission. No one else receiving an email can see your details and you can request to unsubscribe and opt out of receiving our emails at any time.

We will retain your data for 12 months only or until you request us to do otherwise. When changes are made to this statement, we will publish the updated version to our website and notify you by other communications channels as we deem appropriate or necessary.

Where you opt out of all future communications or exercise your right to erasure, we will continue to maintain a core set of personal data (e.g. name, membership status).

You retain the right at all times to lodge a complaint about our management of your personal data with the Information Commissioner’s Office at

If you have any concerns please contact LDSA via email or phone 07592839931

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