Dear disabled supporters who travelled to Madrid and went to the game. We hope you are well and recovered from your epic journey now. European Cup number six certainly helped that we bet!
Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE) are always looking to get feedback from disabled fans who attend matches on what their matchday experience was like – what was good, what was bad and any suggestions for improvements. Comments received from disabled supporters, whether positive or negative help CAFE to work with all their stakeholders to improve access and inclusion at stadia and make the matchday experience a more welcoming and inclusive one for all disabled spectators.
They would really appreciate receiving feedback from you on your experiences at the UEFA Champions League Final. Attached is a link to CAFE’s online Matchday Evaluation Questionnaire
If you could complete the form in a much detail as possible, it would be really helpful to CAFE, UEFA and Atletico Madrid going forward. They are particularly keen to hear your views on the raised platforms for wheelchair users.
Alternatively, if you wish to email Amy at CAFE directly with you opinions and feedback, then please do.
If you have photographs of your matchday experience, they would really appreciate receiving them and they will help them to illustrate any best practice examples at the stadium or any areas of concern.
If you have any further questions regarding the CAFE Matchday Evaluation Feedback Questionnaire, please don’t hesitate to contact Amy Wilson, Fans Liaison, Access and Administration Officer, CAFE via email on: amy@cafefootball.eu